Do you hear the voice in your head? Do you feel the feeling in your gut, when faced with a decision?
This is your intuition nudging you to listen. In the next decade that we are entering it is going to be very important for us to start using our intuition. It is not a weird or scary thing. It is actually a very normal gift we all have.
Your intuition can help you with every aspect of your life. Meditation is the key to tapping into your intuition. The more you practice the better the connection. People shun meditation because it takes discipline and practice. It’s easier for people to drink alcohol to try and reach that other state of mind our soul seeks because its fast and easy. But people don’t realize alcohol induces falsified illusion and actually blocks spirit connection. Not to mention alcoholism, if severe will cause you to have to relive this life again. Because you pretty much lived numb your whole life which was worthless.
My Life Purpose is to help people understand the Divine meaning of life. Start living the life you are meant to live, with my help. Please visit my Website today to get started.
Tracy Taylor
Intuitive Grief Coach, Life Purpose Coach, & Master Energy Healer