Should I be Happy and Move Forward After Loss

 *If I move forward finding happiness and joy in life with family and friends, would I be disrespecting the loss of my loved one?

I have never heard my guides say this, nore have I ever heard a medium convey such thing to a person reaching out to there loved one.  When we go home we are back to oneness, to all knowing. We are home, which we call Heaven. After we return home we have all the knowledge from all our life times.  We review each life and understand the situation we are faced with when in human form. Every soul you enter life with either being family, boyfriend, girlfriend, husband, wife, friend, etc.  Wants you to move forward. As being here is for the sole purpose of learning. Think of life, as you are on a mission away from home and you have X amount of years to achieve what you came here to do.  You must work towards it, while learning from all the obstacles that are thrown at you. Life is very complex and while being in human form it is impossible to figure out every single reason. All though like me, I understand that there are several factors to each soul’s purpose.  Like astrological sign, life theme, soul level, numerology number, etc. The list goes on. For basics most of us are familiar with sun signs in which what month we are born. You follow it and it conveys your personality, best traits, etc. The point is there is so much to what makes you you. For instance Life themes are something not many people are familiar with.  The best way to explain it is through Sylvia Browne and her guides explanation in her book Soul’s Perfection below;

“Themes are frames of mind.  They are situations you must push against to learn through.  Since you must learn through them, they won’t be easy. You will find, most of the time, that you pick up a primary and secondary theme.  Themes can overlap, In other words, if you’re a Cause Fighter, you might be a Builder, also. Not only do you serve the cause, but you also help to build one.

Also, you will see that there are different stages of progression.  I know that in life, you often feel that you’re inching along or aren’t really on track.  Whenever you have these worries, it’s a sign that you are on the right track. A derailed person never seeks truth, never questions, never searches for spirituality, and never searches for their inner self.

Before you came into life, you have viewed every single path once–every nuance, shortcut, and detour–to find out what would best aid the major theme.  That’s why, when you start veering off too far, you become depressed. The soul tries to remind you through depression that you’re off-track; illness may occur if you get too far off.

Everyone has their own path to take, so don’t pattern yourself after someone else.”

Actually you are hurting your loved one by not moving forward.  Again, when we go home we are back to oneness, to all knowing. By staying stuck and not moving forward continuing to learn, we are in some situations breaking the divine plan our loved ones came into this life with us to achieve.  Remember it does not matter what age your loved one left. A lot of times they are the Catalyst to your next chapter in this life. That’s why it is so important to learn to stop and listen. Think about it. You can ask someone for their advice and ponder it but in the end you are the one who needs to choose.  And by listening to that little voice in your head, or the gut feeling we have in our stomach. This is our Intuition. Everyone is Intuitive, you just need to listen to it.

*Everyday that passes I seem to forget my loved ones voice, smell, look.  Am I a terrible person?

This a common worry I hear.  It’s important to go easy on yourself.  While here on this planet, we must remember that our knowledge is limited.  When your loved one crosses over they are fully aware of our limited boundaries.  Just keeping happy thoughts and memories of them is all that is asked of them.

*If I donate or throw away my loved ones belongings, does this mean I am throwing their memory away?

Not at all.  Home has all we need.  Material possessions are something we need here.  As the song by the Beatles explains “Love is all there is”.  Bob Marley “Let there be love”. Eagles “So often times it happens that we live our lives in chains and we never even know we have the keys”.  These are examples of souls that understand why we are here, trying to rely the message to others. 

My Life Purpose is to help people understand the Divine meaning of life.  Start living the life you are meant to live, with my help. Please visit my Website today to get started.

Tracy Taylor

Intuitive Grief Coach, Life Purpose Coach, & Master Energy Healer

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